Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Take advantage of being a student.

Being a student gets you a lot of discounts that you'll no longer be able to enjoy once you complete your internship. As a student you'll have opportunities such as being an American Dietetic Association member at a much lower price, as well as possibly receiving a discount to join your local branch of the association. Seminars are also cheaper. And one of the biggest perks you'll find is access to journal articles for free through your school's library. So if there are any topics you're dying to know about, take advantage of the resources you have as a student while you can.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nutrient analysis resources

Nutrient analysis software can be incredibly expensive. While it's not as comprehensive as most software, the USDA offers a "What's In The Foods You Eat Search Tool" that can help you get info about the nutrient composition of some basic foods. To access it, follow this link and then click on "Online. CLICK HERE to start What's In The Foods You Eat Search Tool in a new window."

Another free online resource for nutrition info is Calorie King. It has less information about what's in foods, but has more foods listed, especially commercial brands.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Keep your books and notes

While the extra money in your pocket from selling your books might be nice, having them with you as an intern will prove far more useful, if you can afford it. Your undergraduate books will be invaluable resources for information you need as an intern, and will be in a format you are familiar with, which will save you time. Your internship books won't necessarily have everything your other books had, and vice-versa.

You should also save all of the notes you took in your classes. Being able to go back and look up that obscure bit of information your professor told you that wasn't in the book can be crucial. Being an intern is a lot of work, and having as many resources available to you as possible will make things go much more smoothly.